Happy New Year! Last year I did a roundup of all my favorite meal preps from the year and considering that it’s the #1 visited post on my site (of all time), it seems like you all enjoyed it 🙂 So this year I decided to do it again.
It was a whirlwind of a year for me…I moved from California to Texas and started a dual degree grad program in Healthcare Administration and Business Administration. Unfortunately that meant that my blogging and meal prep posts slowed down a lot, but don’t worry – I’ve got a lot of great recipes and meal preps in store for the new year! I’ve been working my butt off to create some great recipes and build meal plans so that they’re ready for you and I both to have a healthy new year. I’m hoping to stick with including scannable barcodes with my recipes so that you can just scan them into My Fitness Pal directly to log it (though I just started doing that here on the blog, so on this post you’ll really only find that in my two eBooks linked at the very bottom).
Click the links to be taken to the weekly meal plan, get the recipes, and see the nutrition info for everything. There are also links to all the containers I used in each prep so you can pick up the ones you like too. Cheers to a healthy and happy new year!
The Countdown (or Count-up?)
1.That time I discovered just how much I love making blueberry oatmeal muffins for breakfast…and have made them for almost every meal prep since. They’re just so quick and easy and I can prep my breakfasts for the entire week in one fell swoop. Look out for more of these recipes in 2018.

2. That time I decided to get way ahead of the game in preparation for what I knew would be a crazy start to grad school. I managed to put together 70 meals and snacks and broke down the cost for each recipe. Hooray for vacuum sealers!

3. That time I made these bomb teriyaki turkey meatballs and tested out a million protein pancakes to find the best ones. And then proceeded to eat protein pancakes forever…poor me 😉

4. That time I made sweet potato wedges on the grill because I didn’t want to keep the oven on. Also my last meal prep from San Francisco before I moved. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

5. That time I did some steak and potatoes wizardry and was actually super into it (even though I rarely eat red meat!).

6. That time I just knocked out a mid-week quickie to get me through until Sunday came back around.

7. That time that I learned how to spatchcock a chicken and surprised myself with how easy (and delicious) it was! It’s like rotisserie chicken at home.

8. That time that it stopped being 100 degrees in Texas and I celebrated with a big batch of turkey chili!

9. That time when I decided to try my hand at the “un-wich” for meal prep…and it was a success!

10. That time when I couldn’t handle the thought of eating cooked vegetables at every meal, so I just threw together a lunch time bistro box with fresh veggies, grapes, and hummus or peanut butter.

11. Of course, I couldn’t forget to include a link to my two meal prep eBooks. The first one (The Art of Meal Prep: Getting Started) tells you about all my tips and tricks for meal prepping and includes 30+ recipes that you won’t find on the blog. The second one (The Art of Meal Prep 2: 5 Meal Plans for Success) gives you 5 weeks worth of meal plans complete with recipes, snack ideas, and your weekly kitchen plan of attack to optimize your kitchen time. Click the link below to find out more or pick up your own copy.

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