Time for another Workout Wednesday! For those of you in the path of Hurricane Florence, just go ahead and bookmark this one for later, you’ve got more important things to worry about right now. For everyone else, let’s hit the gym and get our shoulders and triceps on point. I love a good shoulder and tricep workout – there are so many different ways to target those areas. I usually try to incorporate both complex and simple movements, including some CrossFit style moves that will sneak in a little bit of lower body work while I’m at it. It’s all here – check it out!
The Good:
- You don’t need much equipment for this workout.
- Depending on how much rest time you give yourself between supersets, you could be out of the gym in under an hour with a serious shoulder and tricep burn going on!
The Bad:
- Because I used supersets for this workout, this may not be the best for people looking to pack on a lot of muscle. Supersets are like secret (or not-so-secret?) cardio!
- I snuck in a bit of lower body work with with the dumbbell power snatches and wall balls, so you’ll need to make sure you warm up both your upper and lower body.
Time needed: approx. 1 hour
Equipment needed:
- Bench
- Dumbbells
- Medicine or slam ball
Don’t forget to add in some warmup movements to help avoid injury! Check out the warmup from this workout for some good ideas for upper body warmups.
Superset 1 – 4 sets of 8-10 reps each:
Superset 2 – 3 sets of 8-10 reps each:
Superset 3 – 3 sets of 10-12 reps each:
Happy sweating
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