I hope you guys are prepared for a flood of posts today! Since the blog was down most of last week and the weekend, I’m making up ground today so that I can keep my post schedule on track! (Yes, I have a post schedule.) This one was obviously meant for Product Review Saturday and I feel a little bit bad that I’m squeezing this brand into a Monday morning slot because it’s so good! Anywho, I should be migrating to a new web host later this week and have a company doing some techie things to speed the site up. Hopefully that will improve your experience here!
That said, allow me to introduce to you The Lions Pack Edible Protein Cookie Dough. Their cookie doughs are vegan, gluten free, dairy free, and egg free. And seriously awesome!This company has about a bajillion different flavors of edible cookie dough that are vegan-friendly and gluten free. You can even create your own custom protein cookie dough flavor…they’ve got something for everyone. They also sell protein pancake mix, protein oat mix, protein nut butters, protein mug cake mixes, etc. I’ll be reviewing their protein nut butter and protein pancake mixes in other posts.
Side note – I’m bummed that the labels got kind of messed up in the mail. The labels on the first batch of dough that I ordered from them were perfect though…keep scrolling down to see them.
A couple cool things about this company…first, it’s a small business. Supporting small business is pretty much always a good thing in my book. Plus, the jars of cookie dough that I received said they donate 10% of proceeds to the Dream 2 Achieve Kid’s Foundation. Bonus points for giving back.
The company also rolled out a reformulated version of their cookie doughs a few weeks back, but I had tried a couple flavors of their old formula before they changed it up. You can definitely tell a difference (for the better) in the new dough, but the old stuff was pretty dang good too! I tried the Peanut Butter Cup and Chocolate Chip Cookie in the old version. I even baked up the old Chocolate Chip Cookie dough into a real cookie 😉 Some of their flavors can be scooped out of the jar and baked and this was one of them. I was pretty happy with how they turned out.
Note: I did not receive any form of compensation by the brand in this post to endorse their products. The views expressed here are my own.
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