This is my second installment of Product Face-Off! It’s my fun new way of comparing a couple of products directly against each other instead of filling up my pantry with 10 brands of the same thing. Which happens a lot, honestly. This week I’m checking out ICON Meals vs MyProtein protein popcorn. Check out the comparison below and see what you think!
Okay, so let’s take a look at the “original” first:
Icon Meals Protein Popcorn
Next up, the “challenger”…
MyProtein Protein Popcorn
As you guys can see, these brands are eerily similar. So much so that I think I may have been duped here. I wanted to try both of these brands to figure out which one is better so you don’t have to waste your money on bad protein treats! Buttt…I’m about 99% sure that these brands are actually made by the same company and marketed and sold under a different name. I couldn’t find anything on the Google machine to actually prove what I’m almost sure is true.
The verdict? Buy whichever one you can get the best deal on!
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